Vacuum – Degassing System
- Deep Vacuum Protocol: up to 15mBar pressure
- Degassing with Nitrogen, Carbondioxide, etc

- NonInvasive Oxygen Measurement
- Every time you want
- Store goods under controlled conditions

Extended Shelf life
- Mini mize oxidation
- Avoid Mold & Funghus & Rancidity
More PestsKill bugs in all life stages without Chemicals!
Maintain Germination Rate
Masterpackgroup is a Dutch originated company.
Leading in production and supply chain solutions of high end Big Bags.
Dedicated to sustainable development through:
Combining economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility.
Giving employees and their families free access to medical care and education.
ISO 14000 system for minimizing processing costs that negatively affect the environment.

Custom made innovative packaging solutions:
- 100% dustproof, zero contamination, maximum stability
- Barrier foil: conductive, aluminum, anti-static, dissipative, metalized OPP, EVOH,PA liners

Efficient and reliable supply chain:
- Production in Asia and Europe
- Flexible production, capacity to absorbing continuous growth
- Deliveries from FOB to fully integrated supply chain solutions

State-of-the-art manufacturing plants:
- Fully integrated production
- Top of class clean rooms
- Fully certified (ISO 9001, ISO 14000, ISO 22000, BRC, AIB, GMP, HACCP, HALAL, SA8000, SEDEX)
k Group bvP.O. Box 2562
7500 CN Enschede
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Het Wolberg 19
7547 RA Enschede
The N
etherlandsMasterpack Group North America
63 Church
Street, Suite 301St. Catharines, ON