Kurita is one of the global market leaders in industrial water and process treatment. With more than 70 years experience, we provide you with state-of-the-art solutions, tailored to the specific needs of your water systems. Kurita offers an innovative all-in-one solution for the full water cycle of your food & beverage plant, which will help you to save water and energy and improves the productivity of your plant.
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Pasterizer & Sterilizer
1. Albaphos FB®

Boiler Water Treatment
2. Cetamine FB® &
DReeM ® Polymer

Cooling Water Treatment
3. Aktiphos® / Ferrofos®

Biocide Treatment
4. Ferrocid® / Dilurit®

Reverse Osmosis / Membrane Treatment
5. Vitec®

Wastewater Coagulants & Flocculants
6. Kuriflock®

Cleaning Solutions
7. Ferrolin® FB
Check out one of our latest product innovations specially designed for the Food & Beverage industry:

Corrosion inhibition

Scale inhibition

Bio-dispersions and anti-foam

Fat and oil removal

Gloss improvement

Repellency optimization
Cetamine® FB – Next Generation Boiler Water Treatment in the Food & Beverage Industry
Kurita developed the Cetamine® FB Technology which complies with international food regulations and can be safely applied in boiler systems where the generated steam has either direct or indirect contact to food.
Cetamine® FB Technology adsorbs on system surfaces and establishes a protective film acting as a barrier to prevent corrosion. The surface-active Cetamine® FB Technology cleans system surfaces during normal boiler operation which leads to a better heat transfer and boiler efficiency. Boilers operating under Cetamine® FB Technology consume less water and energy leading to economical savings and reduced CO2 emission.
Untreated surface
Cetamine® FB treated surface protected against corrosion

Learn more about Avista Membrane Treatment Solutions – a global brand of Kurita.
Learn more about Kurita´s complete solutions for your F&B plant.
Customized solutions specially designed for pasteurizer and autoclave treatment.
Protection of all parts in contact with the treated water, preventing corrosion and scaling, fat & oil removal, glossy improvement of packaging rinsing agents and many more!
Exceptional protection against corrosion, lower water & energy consumption leading to reduced CO2 emission.
Full boiler protection during discontinuous operation and system shutdowns.
We help you use or reclaim your water to fitting it all together with the right treatment concept.
FReE and Corrsave® Technologies get the best out of your cooling system.
Customized biocide treatment according to local regulations and needs. Extremely high efficiency against microorganisms.
Highly effective solutions to avoid Legionella pn according to industrial standards.
Specific programs against precipitation of performance-reducing salts and/or damaging abrasive scale deposits in RO membrane installations. Available as phosphorus-containing to phosphorus-free treatments. Certified to NSF/ANSI 60 and other food/drinking-water authority.
Broad range of Coagulants and Flocculants for wastewater and sludge treatment and water preparation. Products specially formulated for improved COD reduction and oil and fat removal.
Compliance with EN Standatds for preparation of drinking water.
Cleaning solutions especially designed for the F&B industry. Liquid and foam cleaner solutions for a wide range of applications.
Customized treatment concept to keep your plant shiny and clean.