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Flavourtech’s new addition to the Spinning Cone Column family
Ideal for use in the laboratory, pilot plant or even for small production runs, the new SCC100 lends itself to aroma recovery from coffee, tea and botanical extracts, as well as juices and dairy products.
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lavourtech is a world leader in the development, design and manufacture of thin film, spinning cone technologies for the coffee, tea, flavour, alcoholic beverage and pharmaceutical markets. Their unique technologies have been proven to deliver significant returns on investment through the recovery of superior flavours, extracts and concentrates, along with maintaining the natural characteristics of the raw material. Coupled with increased throughput and automation through the integration of their systems, Flavourtech delivers enhanced operational efficiencies, product differentiation and subsequent business growth.
In 2021, Flavourtech is proud to announce the newest member of the Spinning Cone Column (SCC) family, the SCC100. The SCC100 is the smaller sibling to the SCC1,000 and SCC10,000 which are used around the world for aroma recovery, flavour management and extraction from liquids, purees and slurries of suspended solids. This continuous, automated processing technology allows food and beverage manufacturers to produce high quality products that possess the natural aroma of the original raw material.
The SCC’s unique thin-film design ensures that raw materials are exposed to both extremely short residence times and low operating temperatures. This results in lower thermal impact compared to other distillation technologies and produces higher quality products that today’s discerning consumers prefer.

Flavourtech’s new smaller Spinning Cone Column, the SCC100
Enter the SCC100: Flavourtech customers have for some time requested a pilot-scale SCC to assist them with R&D work for flavour recovery applications. The new SCC100 has a throughput of 25 to 115L/hr and is ideal for use in the laboratory, pilot plant or even small production runs. The compact system has been designed with an easy-to-use touch screen, lockable castors and is quickly assembled, operated and maintained by the user.
The SCC100 is capable of processing liquid products such as extracts, juices and dairy products and is able to perform such tasks as:
- Aroma recovery from coffee and tea extracts
- Aroma recovery from botanical extracts
- Aroma capture from fruit and vegetable juices
- Aqueous aroma re-concentration
In fact, by adjusting certain operating conditions, it is possible to achieve multiple flavour profiles from the same raw material assisting with product development requirements.
One popular application of SCC technology is aroma capture from lemon juice, whereby this distinctive and highly desired aroma is gently stripped from the juice as an aqueous natural flavour stream. With the SCC, aroma recovery is performed quickly and gently so as not to damage existing flavours, nor add unwanted “burnt” flavours. The resulting flavour stream can then be used in food manufacturing where a natural lemon flavour is required or as a “top-up” to existing lemon juice products for an extra boost of flavour.

Specialty tea and coffee producers with requirements for smaller volumes of high value products can also take advantage of the smaller SCC100. Such companies may wish to add-back aroma recovered by the SCC100 to concentrated tea and coffee extracts thus optimising flavour retention and creating a premium product for sale at a higher price point.
When asked regarding development of the SCC100, Flavourtech’s General Manager, Leon Skaliotis, commented that “Shrinking down a highly sophisticated product to fit through a standard door was a challenge at first. It was our customers who requested this size and so we took on the challenge and I am absolutely delighted with the outcome. Our design, technical and engineering teams have worked tirelessly and produced a new model which we are all extremely proud of.”
“Our customers can now utilise an R&D sized SCC for method development and then transfer over to the bigger SCC systems quickly and easily!”
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Flavourtech Pty Ltd