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The Briefing on the latest food developments

The trends and data you need to know about the industry

In numbers:


Unilever’s contribution in cash and shares to the acquisition of GlaxoSmithKline’s Health Food Drinks portfolio in 22 Asian markets.

Source: Foodmanufacture


The rise in European health food retailer Holland & Barrett’s revenue for the year ending 30 September 2018.  

Source: Natural Products Global


The amount of ready-to-eat and raw meat products recalled by Chunwell due to misbranding around undeclared allergens.

Source: Food Processing Technology


The amount that Spanish shoppers spend per day on organic food, according to figures from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture.   

Source: Diversified Communications


The estimated compound annual growth rate to 2025 for the baby infant formula market.

Source: Allied Market Research


The amount of sugar in No Cow Energy Bars, the first energy bar to feature such little sugar and also contain patented caffeine.  

Source: No Cow


The acreage of Earthbound Farms, the organic vegetable and lettuce farm business that owner Danone is currently struggling to sell. 

Source: New York Post

In the pipeline:

‘Food resilience’ teams

Specialists at the University of London, University of Sussex and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health released a report suggesting that local councils in the UK should set up ‘food resilience’ teams to ensure the food supply in the event of a no-deal Brexit. 

Source: The Independent

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