CHALON MEGARD – Specialist in the manufacture of equipment and process lines for dairy and cheese production.
Commercial researches and turnkey installatio
nsSince 1920, CHALON MEGARD has been offering a complete range of equipment, starting from mini units of milk treatment, whey, curd and up to an entire cheese manufacture, highly mechanized.
Through modern means of production, a great capacity of innovation and an expert knowledge of dairy technology, CHALON MEGARD offers high quality technical equipment and solutions.
All our equipments are perfectly adapted to every type of production, respecting traditions and high productivity.

Cheese vats from 500L to 24.000 Liters, round or oblong, opened or closed, copper lined interior or stainless steel.
Oblong vats: closed double “O” vats are equipped with 2 versatile tools: in one direction of rotation, these tools cut the curds and in the opposite, they ensure a homogeneous brewing of the curd with the whey.
Round vats: as to answer to some restrictions of “AOC”, a controlled term of origin, CHALON MEGARD offers a full range of vats with copper lined interior. It gives a higher efficiency of heating and an irreproachable aesthetics, reminding of the traditional cheese dairies.

Vacuum Molding System (patented process).
Easily connected to all kinds of wats, it allow to transfer in just few minutes and thanks to air emptying, all the contents of a vat (up to 24.000 liters), by distributing it in a regular way in each molds.
It is the reference system to mold hard cheeses because it allows a maximum speed of extraction, a molding system by a deposit of the curd under the whey and a pre-pressing of the curd bread.
Tubular molding machines are designed for a nonstop production of pressed cheese, using a combination of operations as pre-pressing, cutting and molding the curd.
Draining vat: the great toughness of the sheet metal machinery set is the guarantee of the non-shrinking structure, and provides a shaped curd bed with regular dimensions and minimizes material losses.

A full range of pressing systems
Pressing pallets: allowing stacking up several molds, with an individual pressing for each mold. These palettes can rest on the floor, or hanged on an overhead conveyor or a circular carrousel.
Molding and pressing modules washable by CIP system.
Compact modules with different configurations have been developed to bring together, in a same surrounding, molding and pressing operations. These groups are adapted for cooperatives or cheese dairy and can be washed by CIP system, with the molds inside.
Versatile tunnel presses, opened or closed to allow an automatic washing. These presses can have one or several rows of molds (or block-molds) and can be stacked up to save some space on the floor.

Reliability, performances, hygiene and secure functioning.
The control of the automatism provides fully mechanized cheese lines, of a high productivity. The difficult tasks, dangerous and repetitive, could be managed by the machines and the staff is mainly dedicated to a task of supervision.
The maintaining of a high level of hygiene is decisive. This is why the machines can be automatically washed and the production molds are systematically washed before each filling.
CHALON MEGARD has developed lines with a constant objective of flexibility:
Build in modular subgroups, it allows to take into consideration a later extension, but still keeping to the maximum the existing units.
Manufacturing line for the utilization of the block-molds having different formats of cheese with automatic change of formats.

By fitting to your needs, CHALON MEGARD gives and includes into your process and your space any types of installations of the brining process.
Static brine: Stainless steel tanks, located in a pit or under the ground, are filled up with salted water. The cheese is laid on racks and manually or automatically immersed in brine during the necessary length of time for the salt to get to the heart of the cheese.
Continuous brining: once the cheeses are demolded, they are sent to a canal with brine, and the flow takes theme to the racks on several levels.
As for the “in/out” of the cheeses in the racks, they are immersed in the water to allow the cheeses to enter/leave by floating in each aisle, being pushed by the water flow.
Brine control: we offer you all the installation with an automatic management allowing control and adjustment of the brine parameters (concentration, temperature, filtration, etc.).
Each brining system is equipped with a device allowing an efficient brewing system of the salted water around the cheeses. Whatever the position they are in, the cheeses are all in the same condition for salinity temperature, etc.

6, rue des Narcisses
01460, Montréal La Cluse,France
Phone : +33 (0) / Fax : +33 (0)